Select the option to Update entire table and click OK.Once this is done, you can refresh the table of contents by selecting it, right-click and select Update Field.

You’ll be given the choice of updating the entire table or just the page numbers of the existing. Step 2 Click Update Table to rebuild the Table of Contents. Then, while the text is still selected, go to the References Ribbon and select Add Text > Do Not Show in Table of Contents from the Table of contents section on the far left hand side Step 1 As you continue to work with your document, text may move to different pages, pages may be inserted or deleted, and new headings may be added.Once selected, apply the new style using the icon for the new style in the Styles section of the Home Ribbon. Select the text that you don’t want to appear in the table of contents, but still have a heading-type style.Create a new style with a unique name such as Front Page Heading ensuring it is based on the Heading 1 style.Select Update entire table from the Update Table of Contents dialog box. Pro Tip: You can also select Update Table in the Table of Contents group in the References tab. Right-click and select Update Field from the shortcut menu. In the Styles Windows, click the New Style button Place your cursor in the table of contents.In the Modify Style pane make your changes.

In the Styles list, click the level that you want to change and then click Modify. If Modify is grayed out, change Formats to From template. Go to References > Table of Contents > Custom Table of Contents. This is found on the Home ribbon, at the far right, via the small grey arrow below the Styles section. Format the text in your table of contents. In order to correct this, the following steps can be taken: